Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kiss a Women ? When

Most of the time men are too quick and jump in before the right moment. The man is just too excited and jumps in right away into the kiss without any elegance. Other times, men are just too dense to know when to kiss a woman. However a perfectly timed kiss can instantly capture a woman’s heart.

Deciding when to kiss a woman depends to a large extent on timing. In addition having a bit of style and subtlety also helps intensify the moment of the kiss. Choosing the right occasion to kiss a woman especially for the first time is very important.

Actions that lead up to the Kiss

Most of the time subtle and slight movements can help lead to the perfect moment when to kiss a woman. Keep in mind that most women do not appreciate fast movements from manipulative men. Women find men that simply grab and kiss to be quite repulsive.

Men should understand that the appropriate time when to kiss a woman is a slow process. It is important to be patient and follow the process in order to reap the rewards of a kiss. Because if the process is done right, the prized kiss is surely worth the long wait.

The initial date or meeting is the ideal time to initiate the process. Making small gestures like leaning into her to whisper something or touching her lightly at the elbow or arm is a good start. The simply action of stroking a woman’s hair or putting an arm across their shoulder can help set up the perfect moment to kiss a woman. This type of action is called the kinesthetic approach.

When to Kiss a Woman
Selecting the right time when to kiss a woman is a personal issue for every man. Each and every man has his own style. But it does help to keep a few things in mind when kissing a woman to help make it a memorable rather than forgettable occasion.

When to kiss a woman depends mostly on their body language. A woman who is not ready to be kissed or does not want to be kissed will show it. A woman on a date that does not want a kiss would most likely keep there distance or worse make a lame excuse to leave early. Men should pick up on these quickly so as not to look foolish and be rejected for a kiss.

Men should also take into account when to kiss a woman with tongue involved. Bear in mind that not all women are looking for a tongue lashing on the first kiss. Any woman looking for a gentle kiss would instantly be scared off with a rough and forceful kiss that is totally uncalled-for.

As a man, it is important to know when to kiss a woman. A man that would have to ask a woman when to kiss her will look like a complete idiot. The slow approach is best. It shows both confidence and warmth that are guaranteed to seal the kiss.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Aging and ED

Aging is the natural process of your body that converts the young person to middle age, middle age person to old, and then finally one day the person dies because of the abnormal functioning of the body because of the aging. Starting at what is commonly called middle age, operations of the human body begin to be more vulnerable to daily wear and tear; there is a general decline in physical, and possibly mental, functioning. In the Western countries, the length of life is often into the 70s. The upward limit of the life span, however, can be as high as 120 years. During the latter half of life, an individual is more prone to have problems with the various functions of the body and to develop any number of chronic or fatal diseases.

The cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous, reproductive and urinary systems are particularly affected. The most common diseases of aging include Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression, and heart disease.This is common life cycle that is guarded by the aging. Aging is the process that damages all the normal functions of the body. The way you use to perform in the sex during the young age could not be the same in the old age. Aging causes the tremendous effects on the sexual life of the men. The main cause of the erectile dysfunction (ED) in men is found to aging. The maximum percentage of the men suffering with the erectile dysfunction is in the age group of the men 40 to 60 and above 60. Men with the young age also suffer with the erectile dysfunction, but very few cases are noted.

Aging is the process of the nature that starts in the individuals soon after his birth. The first few phases of the Aging till the age of the 30 years are found to beneficial for the humans but the phases of Aging after the 30 years of age are not beneficial for the humans. Aging during the first phase of life is found to be a generic phase that converts the small baby to a young boy and then to fertile adult. During this phase a person experiences the wonderful experience of the puberty. In humans, aging is the multidimensional process that marks the physical, psychological, and social change in the life.s phase it is called as the diminishing phase.

One should understand the fact that all living thing ages as the time passes. The process of aging is influenced by genes, lifestyle, and environment. One theory suggests that everyone has a “biological clock” which runs down over time based on a predetermined genetic timetable which decides when changes occur in our bodies. Other theories suggest that aging is caused by the cumulative and progressive damage caused by the abuse of the environment. The phase of aging after early adulthood phase (after 34 years) considerably affects the sexual life of an individual. During this phase men starts suffering with many diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disorders, or liver and kidney disorders. These all disorders make the person weak and in turn affect the sexual life of an individual. All these disorders induce the erectile dysfunction in men are makes them sterile.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get the erection or hold the erection during the sexual copulation. Erectile dysfunction gets persistent with the aging process. Men get the very good erection till the age of thirty but, after the age of thirty few of them start facing the problems in either getting the erection of holding the erection. These men sometimes get the proper erection and some times fail to get the erection. This step is the first affect of the aging on the men’s sexual life. This phenomenon is generally observed in the men within the age group of 30 to 50. In this age group the problem of erectile dysfunction troubles the life of men to a great extent. Men are not able to satisfy their partner and problems in the relationship grow. In the age group of the men above 50, the arteries that supply blood to the penis gets damaged and men fail to get the erection. This is the most dangerous erectile dysfunction because it can not be repaired. This is found in very less cases. And, above the age of 65, erectile dysfunction is found to be very prominent. In this age group, 7 out of 10 men suffer with erectile dysfunction. Thus, it is clear that aging is the main cause of erectile dysfunction.

Monday, January 5, 2009

If jealousy is an issue in your relationship or marriage, then you already know that jealous feelings and jealousy can be frustrating, annoying, painful and even embarrassing.

Any expert will agree that, if left unchecked, jealous feelings and jealousy can single-handedly destroy an otherwise good or even great relationship.

Most people dealing with jealousy think they are doomed to live with it forever. We can understand why you might think that way. The reality is that we know you can stop the jealousy.

We know this because, long before we were successful relationship coaches and authors, jealousy was an issue for us in our relationship and we were able to overcome it. We learned the secrets to overcoming jealousy and now... several years later, we teach these skills for overcoming jealousy to people like who want to rid themselves of the pain and embarrassment of jealousy in their relationships and lives.

Once you figure out where your jealousy is coming from, you will then need to discover why it makes you feel jealous. For instance, if you figured out that it makes you jealous when your boyfriend or girlfriend talks to the opposite sex, then you need to discover why it makes you jealous. Did you have an experience in a previous relationship that now causes you to feel jealous with similar situations, or do you just have a fear of being betrayed? If so, why does that fear exist? Is your self-esteem a little lower than you thought? As you can see, there is a huge line of questions that need to be asked and answered in order for your jealousy to be conquered and under control. Acknowledging it is the first and important step, so you are already on the right and smart track!

Once you have realized where your jealousy comes from and what causes it, you can then concentrate on keeping it in control and hopefully get rid of it. If the reason has something to do with your partner, then it is best to have a serious conversation with him or her about it. Do not be afraid or feel stupid for feeling the way you feel. You have the right to express yourself and they are entitled to knowing what is making you feel jealous. If they truly care about you, they will work on ways to prevent you from experiencing such emotions. It is also a good idea to make an appointment with yourself and find ways you can improve your self-love and health, so that you can gain more strength and confidence, and be ready fight off such jealousies when they come to surface.

Toning down your jealousy and possibly getting rid of it for good will take time. It all depends on the situations and reasons. If having a flirtatious partner makes you jealous and your partner stops flirting, then it may be easier to overcome. However, if your jealousy is coming from a different area such as your competitive nature towards other women, then it will be more difficult. It is very common for women to feel jealous of each others physique, success and relationships. The best way to fight this jealousy off is to improve your own self-health and lifestyle. Do things that boost your confidence. If you feel jealous of what great shape another woman is in and the attention she gets, then perhaps you should focus on yourself rather than her success. Concentrate on finding ways to satisfy yourself both physically and mentally.

To keep yourself on the right track of jealousy conquering, just remember these steps:

Take a good look at the situation. If you suspect someone is cheating on you or if you’re upset because someone has more than you, take a hard look. More than likely, the person you think has passed you up has problems of their own and your lover only has eyes for you.

Respect yourself. Jealousy breeds in our shortcomings and our fears. Stop going over what is going wrong in you and focus on the positive.

Get a third party’s opinion. Talk to a friend or family member who can give you a objective perspective on the situation and your jealous reactions.

Set rules. If it’s jealousy over emails with an old boyfriend, talk about what makes you feel uncomfortable and set rules. If it’s jealousy over a sibling’s achievements, talk with your parents about how they go on and on. Set rules to limit how much you’re exposed to whatever feeds the green-eyed monster.

As long as you keep those steps in mind and follow them, you will learn how to take control of your jealousy instead of it controlling you. The last step is important . . . practice! You know the saying, practice makes perfect. So if you continue to practice these steps, controlling this stressful emotion will become easier and easier, until you have become a total master at it.

Taking control of your emotions will make you the leader and not follower of your emotions, which can prevent you from entering many unwanted territories, such as break ups, low self-esteem, depression and even an increased amount of jealousy. You will be able to focus on the more important topics in your life and see things with a more clear and open mind, which will guide you into making better decisions and finding better solutions to the obstacles you will face in your relationships and life in general.