Friday, March 13, 2009

Ya it is true that regular sex can cure ED

Ya guys this is very nice here to say that proper regular SEX can cure erection problem.Many treatments are available to cure the impotence problem, but these treatments certainly have some side effects that prove to be harmful to your health. So, it was the need of the time that a treatment be invented to cure ED that doesn’t harm your health at all. So, a study was conducted by the scientists at International Institute of Impotence Research, which found out that regular sex can cure ED, with no side effects on the health.Regular sex proved to be a very good treatment option for the ED in the men because of the no side effects.

Along with the treatment of the ED, sex also proved to be a very good exercise in improving the general health status of the individuals who were having ED problems. Sex every day keeps your blood pressure in control and keep the arteries in your body in well maintained condition thus the condition like atherosclerosis are avoided. Sex also increases the concentration of endorphins in the body. These endorphins have the pain-relieving properties. Really a surprising outcome that the study gave was that more sex can help you to prevent the ED from occurring during the sexual act. In the study around 300 men in the age group from 25 to 35 participated. During the study it was asked to the participants that how many times in a week they indulge in the sex. It was noted that only 37 participants agreed that they engage in sex for 5 to 6 times in a week, other 54 participants agreed that they engaged in sex for about 3 to 4 times in a week, and the remaining participants said that they only participated in sex once and rarely twice in a week. .

Immunity of the person who has daily sex is found to be more because of hormone DHEA which increases the production of the antibody, Immunoglobulin A (IgA). Thus, sex proved to be a best medicine on the ED problem in men.